SWEAT GUARD: The sweat guard is the height of kydex against the skin
COLOR: This is a 2-piece holster. Therefore the front color is what would be seen on the outside and the back color would be the color against your body (with carbon facing the inside of the holster). Standard colors are .08" thick. Heavy duty is .093" thick. Our colors can be seen "HERE"
BELT SIZE: Standard belts are 1.5" thick but be sure to measure your belt to ensure proper fitment. If your belt is under 1.5" we recommend upgrading belts.
SHOCKCORD: Elastic cord connecting the holster to the mag carrier.
FINISH WASHER COLOR: Finish washers are the hardware that go between the screw and kydex. Standard is black or silver but we also offer custom powdercoated washers to accent your holster with.
CONCEALMENT CLAW: These claws are used to push against your belt line and twist the grip of the firearm into your body. We offer multiple options so that customers who are used to one or the other can have the choice. We do not believe there to be a huge difference between one or the other from personal experience however both options do help conceal extremely well.
THREADED BARREL: If you have a threaded barrel on your firearm for a suppressor or comp we will leave an area for the threaded barrel. At this time our molds do not allow for comps to be installed except in rare circumstances such as ordering a Glock 34 holster for a Glock 19. We will however not guarantee that all comps will fit even in that situation as all manufacturers differ from one another.
SUPPRESSOR HEIGHT SIGHTS: With few exceptions most of our holsters will fit suppressor height sights even without this option chosen. Our molds are built to accept up to .4" sights in most cases. If you have taller than .4" please use our contact us page to ensure they will fit. This is a very rare case that they are taller than that.
OPTIC CUT: Our optic cut is fairly universal except for the Trijicon SRO. If you choose an optic cut but do not have an optic cut on your firearm it will not make a difference on fitment or retention.
ADD VIBRATITE: We recommend adding this to your order however blue loctite will also work. After adjusting your holster to your carry preferences we recommend removing all screws and applying threadlocker to them. It is not applied at our shop to allow the customer to adjust their holster when they receive it.
LEADTIME AGREEMENT: Please be sure to review our lead times before ordering at the top of the page. At any given time we are handing 100's and sometimes 1000's of pending orders. These holsters are handmade by a small team the produces the best quality holsters found anywhere. If you are not able to wait for our level of quality we would recommend shopping elsewhere.
ORDER CHANGES: After you place your order there are absolutely no changes or cancellations allowed. It takes far too long to track down your order in our shop to make a change that may no longer even be possible.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: https://legacyfirearmsco.com/frequently-asked-questions/
15 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Really quality holster for the Wilson SFX9, arguably one of the hardest pistols to find a holster for. Legacy is the only custom production company for Wilson Combat holsters, and I could be happier with it.
High Quality and Comfortable
Highly impressed by the craftsmanship and quality of these. It's hard enough to find a company with this many customizations and options for various firearms but they covered pretty much all that you would want in a holster and have a large selection of firearms to choose from. For a Kydex holster, this is definitely one of the best ones out there. I would recommend it if you're debating on getting one. Comfy and solid.
Best money I've spent !! Great holster
When I bought my pdp full size with the 5 inch barrel I was worried I wouldn't be able to find a holster to conceal comfortably. I searched hi and low and could not find a company who even offered an option for me. I gotta say I'm blown away how comfortable this holster fits and holds my everyday carry. 5 stars!! Don't spend your money on anything else legacy is the real deal and you won't be disappointed ?
Quick Ship Hyperion (IWB)
New buyer here. i purchased a CZ shadow 2 compact and immediately looked for a quality holster. Ordered from Legacy and couldn't be more satisfied. not only are they on top of the "latest and greatest" but the quality is outstanding. best appendix holster ive owned and tried thus far. Great work guys! I will be a returning customer.
Quick Ship
Excellent quality and craftsmanship as usual, and the quick ship option was VERY fast!
Just wow and comfy
Been wearing and it’s so comfort and it’s just sweet! Quality at its finest!
Perfect Rig
Hands down, the best and most concealable holster in my EDC rotation.
Made just how I ordered and shipping was extremely fast. Perfect fit right out of the box. Just added the threadlocker and confirmed fitment. Super comfortable and easy to maneuver with. No hot spots, no pain, just incredible quality, comfort and great price. Planning on getting one for my CZ next.
I really love this appendix rig, I have 4 of them for various firearms, awesome rig, great concealment, comfortable and reliable